Craig Cammack

Board Members
Advisory Board

Craig Cammack is a graduate of Hanover College, where he studied political science and social movements. He has been a vocal advocate for legislation promoting equality and fairness. Craig was Chairman of Lexington Fairness in 2010, 2011, and 2012. While Craig served on the board, Lexington Fairness grew dramatically with a focus on outreach to Ally support groups, organizations and businesses.

Craig is a recipient of the Michael Thompson Community Service Award, Henry Faulkner Community Service Award, Jose Julio Sarria Equality Award, Ernesto Scorsone Political Leadership Award and induction into the Fairness Hall of Fame from Lexington Fairness.

He and his husband, Joseph, served as state foster parents, beginning in 2012, and adopted their two sons, Gabriel and Conner in 2014. Craig served as Legislative Aide to Councilmember Susan Lamb and is currently Community Outreach Liaison and Deputy Director of Communications in the office of Mayor Linda Gorton. He is the city government’s point person for LGBTQ initiatives, veterans affairs, school outreach, and neighborhood associations.

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