Reading Services


Reading Services

Reading Services

Browse the latest additions to our collection, receive recommendations via e-mail, or take a deep dive into comics and graphic novels with our 741.5 bulletin.  You can even request a personally curated Bag of Books!

Students & Educators

Here at the library, we provide a range of programs, services, and online resources that support academic enrichment and help students and educators prep for success.

Career & Job Resources

Grow with Google

Whether you're just starting out, changing careers, or returning to the workforce, finding a job can be tough. We can help you land the right position and answer your questions along the way.

Entrepreneurship & Nonprofits

Starting your own business or nonprofit is hard work, but we can help you locate the tools you need to get your ideas off the ground.

English Language Learning

New to the U.S. and Lexington community?  Check out these programs.

Interlibrary Loans

The Lexington Public Library offers an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service which allows cardholders in good standing to borrow books and magazine articles we do not own and cannot purchase.  There is a limit of 5 active ILL requests per cardholder.  The Lexington Public Library also lends our books to libraries both inside and outside the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Interlibrary Loan Department

Voicemail: 859-231-5527
Email Address:

If you have any questions, please contact us. You can also review the Frequently Asked Questions.