Voter Information

Voter Information

Your vote counts

Government affects almost every aspect of our daily lives including education, health, public safety, transportation, and much more.

The Lexington Public Library is committed to supporting our democracy by providing nonpartisan voting information through programs, community partnerships, and resources, whether you choose to cast an early ballot or go to the polls on Election Day.

2024 election: Key dates

Monday, October 7: Voter registration deadline for the general election
Tuesday, October 22: Deadline to request an absentee ballot
Thursday, October 31 – Saturday, November 2: Early voting
Tuesday, November 5: General election day

Register to vote or check your registration

You can register to vote any time, but the deadline in order to cast your vote for the November 5, 2024, general election is October 7, at 4 pm. 

Visit to register to vote or to double-check your registration. 

Four ways to vote

There are four ways to cast your vote for this election. Plan how you would like to vote now to make sure your voice is heard! And don't forget to bring your valid ID.

1. Mail-in absentee

To cast your vote with a mail-in absentee ballot, you must request your ballot by October 22 and meet a qualifying excuse. Request your mail-in ballot by visiting or calling (859) 255-8683. You can find a full list of qualifying excuses at

2. In-person absentee

Cast an in-person absentee ballot at the Fayette County Clerk’s Office on October 23-25 or October 28-30 from 8 am – 4:30 pm.  In-person absentee voting is reserved for voters who meet a qualifying excuse for absentee voting. 

Fayette County Clerk Office
162 E. Main St, Room 202

3. Early voting

Early voting is available to any registered voter on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, October 31, November 1, and November 2, 2024. 

Vote at any public library in Fayette County between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. 

  • Central Library (140 East Main Street)
  • Beaumont Branch Library (3080 Fieldstone Way)
  • Eastside Branch Library (3000 Blake James Drive)
  • Marksbury Family Branch Library (2197 Versailles Road)
  • Northside Branch Library (1733 Russell Cave Road)
  • Tates Creek Branch Library (3628 Walden Drive)

Directional signs will be located at each branch.

4. Election day voting

Cast your vote on Election Day (November 5, 2024) at your designated precinct or any of the six Lexington Public Library locations from 6am–6pm. You can find your polling place by reviewing your registration to find your precinct information and locating it here

Don’t forget to bring your valid ID! View a list of all IDs that will work. 

Find a sample ballot

You can prepare to vote by finding your sample ballot at
Find a sample ballot
Find a sample ballot

Learn about the candidates

Elections are held to select the individuals who will make decisions for all of us, and it’s important to know what each candidate values.  We suggest researching the candidates before you complete your ballot. Some non-partisan voter resources are linked below: