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St. Paul Catholic Church Ledger Collection

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St. Paul Catholic Church is one of the oldest existing churches in Lexington. The records for the parish go back to 1854. The ledgers are part of the church's historical archive, and contain unique records for Lexington's history. Bishop Stowe, the bishop of the Lexington diocese, has given permission for ledger records 100+ years old to be made public.
Collection Content

Baptismal Records (1854-1919*)

The baptismal ledger contains the date of baptism, name of the child, parent names, date of birth, sponsor names, and the name of the priest who performed the baptism. Each record spans two pages. There are also some Confirmation records located at the beginning of the earliest ledger.

African American baptisms before 1875 are entered in the general list. African American baptisms after 1875 begin on image 337. (When viewing the ledger, click the "Content" tab on the left to see the image numbers.)

Marriage Records (1854-1919*)

The marriage ledgers contain the marriage date, the names of the spouses, whether the the marriage was published (banns) or licensed, official witnesses, and the priest who performed the ceremony. Each record spans two pages.

The Association of the Holy Childhood (1918-1919)

The Association of the Holy Childhood is a Catholic children's organization to benefit foreign missions. It began at St. Paul's on February 25, 1918. There are no entries in the ledger past 1919. It contains the names, birth and baptismal dates, and addresses for young adults in the parish in 1918.  

Due to the ledgers being handwritten, they are not keyword-searchable. 

* Ledger images younger than 100 years have been suppressed. To request information within the last 100 years, contact the St. Paul parish office.