Lexington Public Library

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The Digital Studio provides people of all skill levels the tools for filmmaking, photography and digital art, music making, and media preservation.

Communico short description
Teens/tweens can drop in to the Beaumont Branch to "hack that painting!" Using pre-painted canvases participants will be able to paint in anything they'd like! Materials and snacks provided.

Teens and tweens can drop in to the Beaumont Branch to "hack that painting!" Using pre-painted canvases participants will be able to add in whatever they want to the scene. Would that Bob Ross landscape look better with a giant dinosaur? You decide! Materials and snacks provided.

Communico start date
Communico end date
Communico library location
Beaumont Branch
Communico event type
Arts, Crafting & Hobbies
Communico age group
High School
Primary Page

Learn by doing. Get hands-on practice with cutting edge technology at our Digital Studio, Kloiber Foundation STEAM Lab, and Makerspace on your own or learn from our expert staff during structured programs.

Destination Kindergarten

Destination Kindergarten is the library’s program aimed at preschoolers and their caregivers- trying to help them practice the skills they need to be ready for Kindergarten.  During each Destination Kindergarten event, preschoolers and their caregivers can find a specalized area in the library with fun books, take-home activities, and information about development milestones and school readiness.

See below for more information on upcoming events and take-home packets and activities.

The Undesign the Redline project unearths the deep and systemic history of structural racism and inequality in the United States. This interactive exhibit explores policies like Redlining, their implications for today, and what we can do to undesign them. 

The exhibit was created by social impact design studio designing the WE and has been invited to dozens of cities across the country. A local advisory group has helped to produce local history and stories about Redlining in Lexington.