Lexington Public Library

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Displaying results 1 - 25 of 225
Communico short description
Can you build it? Test your Lego skills. For grades K to 5. No registration required.
Communico start date
Communico end date
Communico library location
Beaumont Branch
Communico event type
Games & Gaming
Communico age group
3rd-5th Grade
Primary Page

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The Lexington Public Library has made an effort to ensure that all of our digital collections are public domain, or that we have gotten approval from the copyright holders to display their work. Most - but not all - of these collections, to the best of our knowledge, have no known US copyright restrictions. Some items in the collection are under copyright but qualify for online display by libraries under Section 108(h) of United States Copyright Law. Some of the collections provided in the Library's Digital Archives are made available under an assertion of fair use, which does not necessarily apply to an individual's use of them.

Our commitment to listening, learning and changing is ongoing and our work is never complete. We affirm that we achieve more together because of our differences, not despite them. When all voices are heard, we are stronger.