Articles & Magazines

Databases: Articles & Magazines

Access World News logo

Access World News

News and Information from news sources around the globe.

America's News logo

America's News

United States news sources at the local, state, regional and national levels.

Consumer Reports logo

Consumer Reports

Search and read articles from Consumer Reports in the EBSCO database.  Provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.

EBSCO logo


Need an article from an academic journal? Search EBSCO for articles covering a wide range of the arts, the humanities, and the sciences. Available on your computer or mobile device.  Provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.

Flipster logo

Flipster Magazines

Read the latest issues of your favorite magazines on your computer or mobile device.

Historical Kentucky Newspapers logo

Historical Kentucky Newspapers

Search, view, and download digitized historical Lexington, KY Newspapers covering the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.

Kentucky News Sources logo

Kentucky News Sources

Content from over 80 Kentucky newspapers and news sources, including the Lexington Herald-Leader.

Lexington Herald-Leader Digital Issues logo

Lexington Herald-Leader Digital Issues

Please note:  Beginning August 5, the Herald-Leader will only publish Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday editions.  Issues will not be available for other days of the week.

Read the Lexington Herald-Leader in its original printed format, including pictures. Digital issues from January 1, 2016 to present.

Lexington Herald-Leader Text Archive logo

Lexington Herald-Leader Text Archive

Lexington Herald-Leader full text article search beginning from April 25, 1983.